Bradford Claude Brad Dourif is an American film and television actor who gained early fame for his portrayal of Billy Bibbit in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest He has since appeared in a number of memorable roles including the voice of Chucky in the Childs Play franchise Younger Brother in Ragtime the mentat Piter De Vries in David Lynchs Dune Gríma Wormtongue in The Lord of the Rings the homicidal Betazoid Lon Suder in the TV series Star Trek Voyager serial killer Charles DexterBrother Edward in the acclaimed science fiction television series Babylon 5 and Doc Cochran in the HBO television series Deadwood Dourif has also worked with renowned film director Werner Herzog at many occasions appearing in Scream of Stone The Wild Blue Yonder Bad Lieutenant Port of Call New Orleans and My Son My Son What Have Ye Done