Freeman whose real name is Abdel Malek Brahimi born May 9 1972 in Marseille BouchesduRhône is a French dancer composer and rapper of Algerian origin At the end of 1988 Freeman met Akhenaton and ShurikN who then formed a rap group called B Boys Stance It was as a dancer that Malek joined the group around 1989 Malek accompanied Kephren during the groups various concerts Also present in the groups music videos Malek Sultan also makes appearances on record in comic interludes Do the Raï Thing and The Return of Malek Sultan During the production of IAMs third album LÉcole du micro dargent Malek wanted to intervene as a rapper He mainly participates on a title from LÉcole du micro dargent A good raw sound for the crooks Subsequently Malek renamed Freeman appears on Chroniques de Mars as well as on the soundtracks of Taxi Ma 6T va cracker the solo album Where I live by Shurikn he appears on two tracks or even on the 1130 charity project against racist laws He also published Mauvaise Graine in 1998 featuring Akhenaton on the Hostile Hip Hop 2 mixtape In March 1999 Freeman released his first album entitled LPalais de justice which reached number 7 in the French charts Produced largely by the members of IAM Akhenaton Imhotep Shurikn and Kheops the album also includes appearances by rappers such as Pit Baccardi Oxmo Puccino and KRhyme Le Roi who appears on the majority titles Thus framed Freeman managed to seduce the general public and his album was soon certified gold On the other hand in 2001 his second project the minialbum Mars Eyes was ranked 20th in the rankings In 2002 and 2003 Freeman focused on the conception of IAMs album Revoir un Printemps Present on almost all of the tracks 15 out of 18 he establishes himself as a rapper in his own right In 2006 Freeman focused on personal projects album Equality in Difference with KRhyme Le Roi mixtape En Haut la Misère Pays before the release of IAMs fifth album named Saison 5 This disc marks a great decline for Freeman within the group since he only appears on four tracks on the album compared to almost all previously This decline seems to reflect the open conflict between Freeman and the groups leader Akhenaton Absent from certain clips he officially left IAM in the summer of 2008 He expressed his numerous criticisms mainly towards Akhenaton in an interview on the Orbeat website Since leaving the group Freeman has pursued a more confidential career He notably released En Haut la Misère Pays as well as Moi et Moi Seul a joint album with the rapper Fossoyeur and the twovolume mixtape HipHop for Life Since 2012 he has notably published the album of the Puro collective the album Phoenix and in January 2013 a double mixtape entitled Chant de tir He also collaborates with Alino and Morsay The album Sous la mine was released on May 9 2017 In 2021 Freeman approached L1dzirable Krimo with whom he created the group DZ² DZ ô carré From this collaboration will be born an album entitled Plafond de verre released on April 25 2023 with the participation of Lil Fame from the group MOP and Gilbert Montagné