American silent film comedian whose hugely successful career disappeared virtually overnight Larry Semon was the son of a traveling vaudeville magician Zera the Great He grew up in show business and was trained in stage comedy and acrobatics A talent for drawing and cartooning led to art school and then work as a cartoonist for various New York City newspapers The humor evident in his published cartoons prompted executives at New Yorks Vitagraph Studios to hire him as a gag writer in 1916 He quickly proved himself and was promoted to director for the Hughie Mack series of comedies His background in magic helped him create interesting new gags for the comedian When Mack left the studio in 1917 Semon took over the starring role himself His onereelers were quite successful and Vitagraph sent him to California to participate in its new West Coast operation He produced as well as wrote starred in and directed his own films at the same time also producing films for other comics In the summer of 1928 Semon apparently fell ill with tuberculosis and simultaneously it seems suffered a nervous breakdown He entered a sanitarium near San Bernardino CA where he reportedly died on October 8 However an air of mystery surrounds his death since his wife and former costar Dorothy Dwan was allowed almost no contact with him and never saw his body which was ordered cremated after a tightly secured funeral which was carried out per Semons previous instructions and to which almost no attendees were allowed The whereabouts of Semons cremated remains are to this day a mystery and his widow professed until her death to be mystified by the circumstances of his passing With enormous financial obligations facing him Larry Semon could easily have considered a dramatic escape of this sort from his creditors Whether he did or whether his death was the sad final chapter to a highrising briefly brilliant but ultimately shortlived career may never be known for certain