Jacques Gamblin is a French actor Jacques Gamblin is a French actor He studied at the Centre dramatique de Caen Caen Dramatic Arts Centre Originally Jacques Gamblin was not destined to act As a professional technician in a theater company he came to contact with acting He then studied at the Comédie de Caen and took his first steps as an actor on stage in Brittany Totem Theatre in SaintBrieuc before joining the National Theatre directed by Pierre de Rennes Debauche Then he tried his luck in Paris carefully choosing his roles and he made his film debut in 1985 In theatre Jacques Gamblin worked with many directors such as Pierre Claude Yersin Michel Dubois Jeanne Champagne Philippe Adrien Alfredo Arias Charles Tordjman JeanLouis Martinelli Gildas Bourdet and Anne Bourgeois He is also the author of plays such as The Touch Hardware and hip 1997 Source Article Jacques Gamblin from Wikipedia in English licensed under CCBYSA 30