Dan Levy began his television career as a cohost of MTV Canadas flagship show MTV Live and later cowrote cohosted and coproduced the critically acclaimed ratings hit The After Show and its various incarnations including The Hills The After Show and The City Live After Show Levy also wrote produced and starred in his own Christmas Special for MTV Daniel Levys HoliDos Donts for MTV and cohosted the MTV Movie Awards Red Carpet the XFactor preshow and national coverage of the Vancouver Olympic Games for CTV Levys acting roles include the Canadian TV series Degrassi The Next Generation and the thriller Off Line He made his film debut opposite Tina Fey in Admission In 2013 Levy formed Not A Real Company Productions with his father Eugene Levy and principals Andrew Barnsley and Fred Levy to produce Schitts Creek a halfhour single cam comedy for CBCITV Levy is the cocreator coexecutive producer and writer of Schitts Creek and stars alongside Eugene Levy Catherine OHara and Chris Elliott