Walter Ungerer was born in New York City in 1935 of German immigrants He studied art and architecture at Pratt Institute receiving a BFA degree in 1958 He went on to Columbia University receiving an MA and PD in 1964 His first film The Tasmanian Devil was made in 1965 while living in a loft in the flower district of New York City His third film Meet Me Jesus gained him national recognition as a film artist through exposure at the Ann Arbor Film Festival In 1969 Ubi Est Terram Oobiae was included in a worldwide MoMA touring program that furthered his reputation That year Ungerer moved to Vermont In 2003 Ungerer moved to Maine where he continues to produce his work His most recently completed feature down the road debuted at the Syracuse International Film Festival in the Spring 2005 and a retrospective of his films was shown in Kiel Germany in April 2006 Later in November 2006 Ungerer traveled through northern Germany showing his work His most recent video installation debuted at the Space Gallery in Portland Maine March 2006 In 2008 it was installed at the Brattleboro Museum of Art Brattleboro Vermont In December 2008 Echo Park Film Center and the Eqyptian Theatre both in Los Angeles hosted programs of Ungerers recent works including SUCH AS IT IS EPITAPH and THE SALT SHAKER AND THE MOON Ungerer came to Los Angeles for the week of the showings Presently Ungerer is organizing a program of films by Maine artists