Lims debut feature film After All These Years is a suspense film starring Wenchao He and Massa Dazhong His second film Magic and Loss starring Kim Kkotbi and Kiki Sugino premiered at the Busan International Film Festival His third film New World Shinsekai Story starring Tomonaga Koumei and Shi Ka premiered at the Hong Kong International Film Festival In 2013 Lim made his fourth film Fly Me to Minami starring Sherine Wong Kenji Kohashi and Baek Seol Ah which screened at the Vancouver Asian Film Festival The film was nominated for Grand Prix at the Osaka Asian Film Festival His fifth directorial Love in Late Autumn starring Irene Wan Patrick Tam and Charmaine Fong was released in 2016 His sixth film No Where Now Here premiered at the Osaka Asian Film Festival in 2018 His most recent film Somewhen Somewhere premiered at the Osaka Asian Film Festival in 2019